Want to know more? There were at least 2 Laird families who lived in Londonderry in the 1850’s and both attended the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church less than 2 miles from Shantallow. If you would like to find out more and be involved in the ongoing research on the Laird, Hunter, Wilson, Moore and Neely families from Londonderry and County Donegal then please apply for a user account. Over the past 5 years we have spent a lot of time and resources in a quest to uncover the secrets of our Northern Ireland family history.
In order to maintain confidentiality concerning personal information and details of living people membership to the Family website is restricted to Laird family relatives only. Members will be given permission and a password to log in. Once logged in the full information will be available.
This website is exclusively for documenting County Londonderry & County Donegal Laird’s their ancestors, descendants and related families. Membership includes editing, viewing and download rights to all electronic documents and certificates. It also provides a secure location for family members to store and add their history including all forms of media.
If you are a related Laird family member and would like to contribute to this website please provide your full details and a apply here for your free password. We are dedicated to uncovering more about the family history in both Australia and Northern Ireland. We have a long member’s to-do list of questions to be answered, your involvement and support would be greatly appreciated. – Admin
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